What there is to know...

Electronic Notifications and Service in Canada

Many elements must be taken in consideration in order to ensure that the technological means you choose to send electronic notifications and/or services comply with the requirements of certain regulations.
Todoc’s team has studied Canadian law pertaining to electronic notifications and service. You will discover that using Todoc will allow you to meet multiple requirements.

Other jurisdictions: Please refer to the current laws in force in your province.

The Canadian legislative context governing the transmission of documents by technological means

The Canadian legislative context governing the transmission of documents
In Québec, An Act to Establish a Legal Framework for Information Technology (AELFIT) aims to support electronic document management.


Notification (Québec)
Service (Québec)
Technology-based Document
Other Definitions (Available only in French)
The information provided on this page is obtained from sources Avancie considers reliable; however Avancie does not in any whatsoever way guarantee the quality, compliance or accuracy, nor does it guarantee the completeness of such information.
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